Tao is another name
for the Source.

Some people might call it “Universal Energy” others call it the “Creator” or the “Divine” but ultimately, Tao is the name for the essential force that exists within everyone and everything. It is the energy of oneness that unites us all. When we connect with Tao, we’re connecting with our highest nature.

Tao is a core part of my work.

I first learned of “Tao” when I met my teacher, Dr. & Master Sha.


Tao is another name for the Source.

Some people might call it “Universal Energy” others call it the “Creator” or the “Divine” but ultimately, Tao is the name for the essential force that exists within everyone and everything. It is the energy of oneness that unites us all. When we connect with Tao, we’re connecting with our highest nature.

Tao is a core part of my work.

I first learned of “Tao” when I met my teacher, Dr. & Master Sha.

Dr. & Master Sha is a Tao Grandmaster, world renowned healer, and a global spiritual leader. When I met him, not only did I find the Tao, I found an entire system of ancient practices, teachings, and tools that completely changed my life. It’s been an honor to learn and now share these teachings with my own community.

Tao is about empowering you
to become your own healer.

It’s about tapping into wisdom and tools that are timeless—that grow and evolve as you do.

Tao is about empowering you to become your own healer.

It’s about tapping into wisdom and tools that are timeless—that grow and evolve as you do.

“I have the power to heal myself, you have the power to heal yourself, together we have the power to heal the world.”

— Dr. & Master Sha

“I have the power to heal myself, you have the power to heal yourself, together we have the power to heal the world.”

— Dr. & Master Sha

Meet Sara Aumann

This is my Story


I’m Sara, a Sound Healer, Soul Healer, and End-of-Life Doula. 

First, let’s make something clear: yes, I am a healer. But no, I’m not going to heal you. 

Here’s the thing, the role of a healer isn’t to heal your challenges for you. It’s to empower you with the wisdom, safety, and tools for you to heal yourself.

I am not here to cultivate dependency as your “only source of healing”. I am here to stand alongside you, to be a channel of the Tao and a guide to help you become your own healer. 

There are times when life will bring us to our knees… death, divorce, career loss, major illness. During these times it can be hard to stand on our own, so we rally the tribe—we send out the call for support. I know from my own painful personal losses that sometimes we need reminders and reassurance that, yes, you are doing the work, yes, it takes time, and yes, it’s ok to ask for help.

That’s why my business exists: to support you in times of transition.

This is my Story

I’m Sara, a Sound Healer, Soul Healer, and End-of-Life Doula.  

First, let’s make something clear: yes, I am a healer. But no, I’m not going to heal you.

Here’s the thing, the role of a healer isn’t to heal your challenges for you. It’s to empower you with the wisdom, safety, and tools for you to heal yourself.

I am not here to cultivate dependency as your “only source of healing”. I am here to stand alongside you, to be a channel of the Tao and a guide to help you become your own healer. 

There are times when life will bring us to our knees… death, divorce, career loss, major illness. During these times it can be hard to stand on our own, so we rally the tribe—we send out the call for support. I know from my own painful personal losses that sometimes we need reminders and reassurance that, yes, you are doing the work, yes, it takes time, and yes, it’s ok to ask for help.

That’s why my business exists: to support you in times of transition.

So, who am I to support you?

My journey has woven through diverse landscapes of personal and professional development, global travel, leadership, and business ownership.

I’ve brought my spiritual teaching and coaching skills to corporations all over the world (like Amazon Web Services), led international ceremonies and retreats as a sound healer, and spent thousands of hours inside my own personal healing work. As a leader, I’ve been trained by some of the best companies in their fields, including Walt Disney Co., Hard Rock International, Vail Resorts, and Landmark. As an intuitive guide, I’ve received high-level training in channeling, mediumship, energy healing, yoga, and oracle card reading from renowned teachers. And as an End-of-Life Doula, I was trained by the International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA), and professionally vetted through the Colorado End-of-Life Collaborative.

But here’s why I’m really here today…

In 2015, I experienced a series of profound losses. Grief became my constant companion and guide. I lost my father, two brothers, grandfather, and a pregnancy all in a 16-month window. In the years that followed, I went from being a world-traveling wanderer that explored 54 countries on 6 continents, to working 65+ hour weeks as a program leader at Landmark, to quitting it all to live as a soul-led entrepreneur serving people in times of great change.

Let me tell you something... 

There are a few truths that I believe everyone needs to hear.


Your soul didn’t make any mistakes.

You’re here for a reason.


Your spiritual teams never stopped listening to and supporting you.

You are never alone.


You are the lineage holder of more lifetimes than your consciousness allows you to remember. You are so much more than you realize.

What that means is that you already hold within you all that you seek. My job as your guide isn’t to tell you what your truth should be. It’s to give you the space to remember that for yourself.

I’m also not here to replace traditional medical support—this work is designed to exist alongside it. I provide the yin to the medical system’s yang, helping them work together synergistically.

So yes, I am another healer, but I’m not here to “heal” you.

I’m here to help you remember how to heal yourself. 

If you’re looking for someone to hold the paradox, irony, heartbreak, and grief of life WITH you…

If you’re looking for clarity as you navigate new thresholds in your life…

If you’re looking for someone to stand with you on your healing journey—to bring spiritual support that works alongside the traditional medical system…

If you’re looking for practices and tools that can make a real difference in your professional healing business…

If you’re looking for empowered support to navigate a time of major transition, change, and loss…


So yes, I am another healer, but I’m not here to “heal” you.
I’m here to help you remember how to heal yourself.


If you’re looking for someone to hold the paradox, irony, heartbreak, and grief of life WITH you…

If you’re looking for clarity as you navigate new thresholds in your life…

If you’re looking for someone to stand with you on your healing journey—to bring spiritual support that works alongside the traditional medical system…

If you’re looking for practices and tools that can make a real difference in your professional healing business…

If you’re looking for empowered support to navigate a time of major transition, change, and loss…


Experience the Healing Power of Sound


As my gift to you, here’s a complimentary Tao Song Chant for transforming sickness and illness. Experience firsthand what sound healing and soul healing can do.